Timid Rhythm is a kinetic installation that explores loss: of home, childhood, and comfort. There is something very calming and grounding about watching linens billow in the wind on a clothesline, rise and fall as one moves under their bed sheets, or warp and fold as one moves under a blanket fort. The rise and fall of the bed sheets creates an ever-failing structure (a tent, a home, a bed) that is simultaneously calming and disorienting. I consider the bed to be a place of surrender, a place where the body lies to dream, to feel pleasure, to be comfortable and to feel comforted. It is a space of true honesty of the self and the body. I intend for the viewer to be able to lie within the space and simply watch as the bed sheets move, and to reflect on their sense of place, belonging, identity, and innocence.

"Timid Rhythm" 2016, bed sheets, kinetic machine
